The main lab is in the Engineering-2 building on Science Hill in room 316. It contains both the students' cubicles and a work area for projects along with tool storage.
The lab's main assets include various machines for construction and several robotic development and testing platforms. The lab owns various rapid-prototyping machines including a 3D printer, a 30W laser cutter, and a circuit-board etcher which all simplify the one-off custom design that occurs within the various projects. The Autoboat and the Overbot are two robotic testing platforms that were both donated to the school from private engineering firms and are now used for sensing and control development.
Baskin 138 houses the rapid prototyping machines listed below along with a few more machinists tools.
These facilities and tools augment those already provided by the School of Engineering and the various organizations that we collaborate with, such as MBARI, NASA Ames, the Naval Postgraduate School, and Willow Garage. These extra facilities include more work areas, indoor and outdoor testing apparatuses, a machine shop, and other project-specific resources.
The Autonomous Systems Lab is located at the west end of the 3rd floor of Engineering-2 on campus in room 316. Professor Elkaim's office is located near the ASL in room 337B. Both Gabe and various graduate students are normally around throughout normal business hours and occasionally on the weekends.
To find out more or to attend one of the weekly lab meetings you may contact Professor Elkaim directly or stop by the lab or his office.
If you're interested in any of the projects that are currently underway within the ASL, please contact the primary investigators for more information. The project descriptions should include this information along with additional videos, photos, and any source code developed as part of the project.