Calibration of Strapdown Magnetometers in the Magnetic Field Domain

TitleCalibration of Strapdown Magnetometers in the Magnetic Field Domain
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsGebre-Egziabher D, Elkaim GH
JournalASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Start Page1
Date Published04/2006
AbstractThis paper presents an algorithm for calibrating strapdown magnetometers in the magnetic field domain. In contrast to the traditional method of compass swinging, which computes a series of heading correction parameters and thus is limited to use with two-axis systems, this algorithm estimates magnetometer output errors directly. Therefore, this new algorithm can be used to calibrate a full three-axis magnetometer triad. The calibration algorithm uses an iterated, batch least-squares estimator that is initialized using a two-step nonlinear estimator. The algorithm is simulated to validate convergence characteristics and further validated on experimental data collected using a magnetometer triad. It is shown that the postcalibration residuals are small and result in a system with heading errors on the order of 1 to 2 degrees.